Last Update: Jul 19th, 2021
Bigcity 071721 2

Nobody Cares about the Delta Variant

"Delta Variant" is what TV anchors are required to say; the truth is that nobody cares about the Delta Variant.

A walk down Las Olas on Saturday night confirmed that people are back to living their lives. Big City Tavern had it's usual creepy crowd; a lot of middle aged guys eating a late dinner at the bar. Sad couples. Dudes with ball caps.

Bigcity inside 071821

Not too much going on at Cuba Libre, but a lot of people eating at 10pm. Piazza Italia was in full club mode, with disco lights flashing and a bouncer at the door scaring away anyone with any sensibilities.

I also noticed cops on duty on the street; and they didn't seem like detail cops working for a particular club. Maybe the clubs are chipping in for general street security. But back in the day you never saw police on Las Olas. Ever.

Louie Bossi's, had a pretty good crowd despite the lousy food.

Bossis 071721

El Camino was packed as usual; all the guys who work out 10 hours a day and then go out wearing tank tops had to make their appearances. No fear of covid here.

Elcamino inside 071721

Hardly any pretty girls around. Las Olas has become a cesspool of middle aged men. Maybe the girls are just too afraid to go out?

American Social was packed to the point that I had no interest in trying to get in. A party bus packed with cretins sealed the idea that nobody really cares about the Delta Variant.

Lasolasbus 071721

Something else you'll notice is the lack of masks. A couple of months ago, about 1/2 of people were masked. Tonight, it was the exception and not the norm. I saw some families all masked, but I'd say 90% of people were unmasked.

Personally, I've been against masks since Day 1, but I've never been a hand-shake guy and I'm still in favor of distancing from strangers. Nobody is practicing distancing in any form.

So if you plan to hit Las Olas, proceed at your own risk.

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The market is reversing on the Delta Variant scare after 1 day. Total fake news.
There was nothing more predictable than a "variant" to scare people after vaccination to keep them in "obey" mode. And the narrative that only unvaccinated people are getting covid is 100% fake news. UK has reported 40% of hospitalizations are vaxed people. The CDC simply isn't counting these "breakthrough cases" because it strays from the narrative that everyone must be vaccinated.

If people are "testing positive" but not getting sick or dying, what does it matter? It's become like if you get a cold you have to be quarantined. Something everyone agrees with is that the "variant" isn't as deadly as the original strain. And the original strain wasn't that deadly to young healthy people.

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