Last Update: Oct 2nd, 2021
Natural covid

Why the Vaccine isn't Really a Vaccine

One of the problems with misunderstanding of the Covid19 vaccine is that it's not the same as vaccines we're most familiar with. A real vaccine provides something called "Sterilizing Immunity" to a disease:

For sterilizing immunity to be achieved, a vaccine needs to trigger a specific immunologic response, typically in the form of neutralizing antibodies (NAb). These are defensive proteins synthesized by the immune system that specifically target and neutralize a disease-causing organism like a virus

Sterilizing vaccines protect from infection. If you get the small pox vaccine, you won't get it. Virtually 100%. This "vaccine" is not a sterilizing vaccine.

Think about the annual Flu Shot. They don't call it a vaccine. Because it's not a vaccine. It supposedly will keep you from getting very sick if you get the flu.

Sound Familiar?

These "vaccines" are more like pre-treatment therapeutics than vaccines. They don't stop you from getting infected; or from transmitting the virus.

Natural Immunity is better

Naturally immune people have actual immunity. Vaccinated people do not. Naturally immune people have much more comprehensive antibodies than the vaccinated; the vaccines target a single protein, so recipients are less protected again mutations.

A massive, credible study on tens of thousands of Covid patients has concluded what anyone with a 90+ IQ knew in April 2020; that natural immunity not only protects you against Covid19 and the known variants; but its many times more protective than the best available vaccines. Delusional critics will argue that "it's not peer reviewed", to buy themselves a few more months; but the reality is that just about every credible person in the field believes that natural immunity is at least as effective as this so-called "vaccine".

Natural immunity

“This study demonstrated that natural immunity confers longer lasting and stronger protection against infection, symptomatic disease and hospitalisation caused by the Delta variant,” the authors conclude.

You can read the study here

What This Means

The big question is why isn't this the top headline on every news source across the world? It goes against the narrative being pushed by governments, fake cable "news" networks and the drug companies, that everyone needs to get vaccinated.

The CDC are either Incompetent or Liars

This facebook post from Dec 2020 shows the CDC parroting propaganda based on nothing more than politics:

Cdc lies

The article this is linked to has been taken down. The opposite of this is true; the vaccination protects you to some extent, but natural immunity protects you much more comprehensively.

Their Lastest Excuse

They claim that they're worried that people will try to get the virus instead of getting vaccinated; like we're going to try to get sick to gain the benefit of protection IF we don't get very ill. They think we're very, very stupid.

They're Killing People with their lies

What this also means is that Vaccines have not been distributed to people that really need it; by telling millions of people who've had covid19 that they also need to be vaccinated; they're wasting doses that could be used to vaccinate millions of vulnerable people around the world who don't have access to the vaccine.

Vaccine Passports are MISGUIDED

The CDC tell you that if you had chicken pox, don't get the vaccine. Not only do they advise against you needing it; they instruct you not to get it.

The narrative that "all unvaccinated people are dangerous carriers of the Covid19 virus" is not only false, it's completely backwards. The vaccinated are more likely to contract and spread the virus than people who've had covid; which means millions of people who are more protected than the vaccinated are being denied access to restaurants, businesses and cruise ships; all because of propaganda.


Thinking people have always held the view that there are legitimate reasons to not get the vaccinations; the most obvious reason is they'd already had covid and had natural immunity. Big Pharma, via the government and its fake media arms, have campaigned to convince the average fool that there's no such thing as natural immunity; or that it isn't as good; or that it doesn't last very long; and it's all lies. The truth is and always has been, that if you've had Covid you don't need to get vaccinated; you're actually more protected than the vaccinated who've never had Covid.

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It's astonishing to me that after all of this time, people can be so brainless as to dismiss everything that is obvious and true. And then they wonder why we don't feel sorry for them when they suffer.
The Atlantic reported that a study of 50,000 hospital records show that more than 1/2 of the "Covid Hospitalizations" are for patients admitted for a reason other than covid. I've been saying that for a year. Kid breaks his arm and goes to ER; tests positive and he's a Covid Kid in the Hospital. We simply can't trust the propagandists.
Never in the history of the world have vaccinations been more effective than natural immunity until the homos, karens and marxists got control of the media. It's so intuitively obvious that it's astonishing that anyone, regardless of IQ, thinks otherwise; yet these idiots will argue with doctors and epidemiologists that what they heard on cable news is the real truth.
I'm amused by people who deny things even with clear evidence because Don Lemon told them otherwise. I give you the back end of the bell curve.
Craig MD
It's very troubling that the "Studies" funded by US drug companies all say one thing; but studies in foreign countries come up with completely different results. It's counterintuitive to believe that a swiftly produced vaccine could be more effective than natural immunity. Natural immunity is always more comprehensive; the vaccines target a single protein and are therefore subject to vulnerability to variants. Natural immunity should be broader and longer lasting; many immunities last a lifetime. When the "science" follows the politics and not the historical science you have to be very skeptical and look at who is funding the study.
The comment by Manish Joshi on the study page pretty much sums up the issue. He says it's ridiculous to debate whether natural immunity is effective; what scientists should be debating is effective ways to confirm that someone has had a prior infection so that vaccines can be distributed to those who actually need it.

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